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A Precious Commodity

I am no scientist and am certainly lacking knowledge when it comes to the protection of our environment. I am aware that not all of my actions are environmentally friendly (e.g. driving to school every day in a gasoline-powered vehicle), but I am always amazed at how little many people seem to care for the environment. Especially the people in this country who have much of the wealth and power. We should not be rolling back environmental regulations - we should be reinforcing them and implementing more stringent ones. This planet is our home and we ought to treat it with respect, keep it clean, and protect it. We are slowly ruining it (or maybe not so slowly) and I cannot understand why so many people seem not to care. It makes me feel angry and helpless, because I don't know what to do about it. I suppose taking one step at a time is the way to start, and I should probably focus on my own actions and think about how they are impacting the environment.

I think, though, that we need to do a better job as a country of educating our citizens on the perils of damaging the environment in which we live. We need to teach people how they can make a difference for the good of the environment. Simple things, like recycling, carpooling, biking or walking instead of driving, avoiding plastic bags and disposable dishes and utensils, and shopping locally rather than having items shipped to one's house from far and wide can make a difference. Also, if we could shift away from gasoline-powered vehicles to electric, think of the impact that would have on our carbon emissions. Eating foods that are in season and grown locally and reducing one's meat consumption could also be beneficial (not that I am advocating for everyone to become vegetarian or vegan, just for everyone to be moderate).

There are so many things we could (and should) be doing to keep our environment healthy and thriving, and while I know many people are making an effort in this direction, we are not doing enough. We need to convince the people in power that maintaining our environment is a worthwhile goal even if it chips away at their immediate monetary profits. We need to think long-term, not just about what we want right now. We need to keep our planet, our home, this precious commodity, healthy.
